National veterinary Vaccination company aims to manufacture and sell veterinary medicine to cover the local demands and export to global markets. .
تهدف الشركة الوطنية للقاحات البيطرية إلى تصنيع وبيع القاحات والأدوية البيطرية لتغطية الطلب المحلي والتصدير للأسواق العالمية.
Agrotourism Development Company (JANAEN) is a limited liability company set up as a partnership between Oman Food Investment Holding Company SAOC (NITAJ) and Oman Tourism Development Company SAOC (OMRAN) with 50% shareholding for each. The Company is mandated to develop multipurpose projects that offer agricultural products under a touristic theme to the end-user/consumer. It was established with a capital of 12.24 m OMR. The project is in the feasibility phase.
تأسست شركة تطوير الزراعة السياحية وهي شركة محدودة المسؤولية مناصفة بين الشركة العمانية للاستثمار الغذائي القابضة (نتاج)، والشركة العمانية للتنمية السياحية (عمران)، ويعد الاستثمار في مجال الزراعة السياحية واحدة من مبادرات جهاز الاستثمار العماني والتي تهدف إلى تنويع مصادر الدخل القومي لتعزيز الاقتصاد الوطني وتحقيق الإيرادات بما يتناسب مع رؤية عمان 2040 لخلق علاقة تكاملية بين شركات جهاز الاستثمار العماني، وجذب الاستثمارات الخاصة، وتوفير فرص العمل.
The project aims to secure the Sultanate’s needs for white meat. The aim is to produce 60,000 tons annually of poultry meat upon completion of the project’s full capacity. Nitaj and Al Namaa continue on working the raise the quality of agricultural and poultry products
Nakheel Oman Development Company is poised to be the Sultanate’s flagship and one of the world’s largest Date Palm with a capacity of 85,000 tones/year and a processing capacity of 15,000 tonnes/year storage capacity. Nitaj and Nakheel continue on seeding the earth through enriching investments which will feed the entertainment and welfare of the future generations to come through.
Founded in 1998, ONLD’s feed plant operations started on 2005 with a capacity of 144,000 MT of Ruminant & Poultry per annum. Nitaj owns 59.25% of the company. The company is in its preliminary phase. Its capital is 19,600 m OMR
Nakheel Oman Development Company is poised to be the Sultanate’s flagship and one of the world’s largest Date Palm with a capacity of 85,000 tones/year and a processing capacity of 15,000 tonnes/year storage capacity. Nitaj and Nakheel continue on seeding the earth through enriching investments which will feed the entertainment and welfare of the future generations to come through.
تسعى شركة تنمية نخيل عمان إلى أن تكون الشركة الرائدة في عمان والعالم في مجال تصنيع التمور وبطاقة إنتاجية تبلغ 85,000 طن سنويًا وبطاقة معالجة تصل إلى 15,000 طن سنويًا من سعة التخزين.
Oman Flour Mills was established in 1977 as the first flour milling facility in Oman, in 1983 the company expanded into Feed milling. With a milling capacity of 300 metric tons per day of wheat flour and allied products; to 800 MT per day; and 1500 MT per day for Animal Feed.
تأسست شركة المطاحن العمانية في عام 1977م كأول منشأة لطحن الدقيق في عمان، وفي عام 1983م توسعت الشركة إلى إنتاج الأعلاف. بدأت القدرة الإنتاجية للمشروع ب150 طن متري في اليوم من دقيق القمح والمنتجات المماثلة، لتصل إلى 800 طن متري من الطحين في اليوم و1500 طن متري يوميًا من أغذية الحيوانات.
The company is specialized in the production of red meat with a production capacity of 1.2 M livestock annually. The company started commercial production in January 2021. The size of its investment is 37 m OMR, and Nitaj’s share in it is 36.94%. Today, Nitaj continues to shine through the gaps and cultivating a blossoming future in food quality with Al Bashayer and their elite products of Bushra and Anfal.
تختص شركة البشائر بإنتاج اللحوم الحمراء بطاقة إنتاجية تصل إلى 1.2 مليون رأس من الماشية سنوياً. بدأت الشركة الإنتاج التجاري في يناير 2021م. حجم استثمارها 37 مليون ريال عماني
Bushra is the brand of fresh, tasty and reliable red meat products with the
advantage of convenience, by Al Bashayer Meat Co. SAOC. The Omani raised
livestock is bred in the lush farms of Dhofar in a safe and hygienic environment.
Their feed includes 100% natural grass and grains and is antibiotic-free, giving it a
distinct home-grown flavour. Bushra offers farm fresh and Halal beef, goat, lamb
and camel red meat protein products packed with care to suit the requirements of
working mothers, housewives, professional cooks and catering facilities.
The project was established in 2020 with an investment of 11.5m OMR, and it aims to enhance the agriculture sector in Oman by helping the local farmers to market their projects. It consists of 7 collection Centers with a capacity of 65,520 tons; and 80 Fresh marts’ outlets with a capacity of 20,960 Tonnes
The project was established in 2020 with an investment of 11.5m OMR, and it aims to enhance the agriculture sector in Oman by helping the local farmers to market their projects. It consists of 7 collection Centers with a capacity of 65,520 tons; and 80 Fresh marts’ outlets with a capacity of 20,960 Tonnes
Mazoon Dairy Company is the largest integrated dairy company in the Sultanate of Oman with a capital outlay of OMR 100 million. Mazoon Dairy Company was incorporated on 1st January 2015. The foundation stone was laid at the site on 18th October 2017. As the flagship dairy company set up under the aegis of the National Food Security initiative. Nitaj presumes the endless journey of constant hard work towards unrivaled horizons and a better taste of life with Mazoon Dairies
تأسست شركة مزون للألبان عام . 2013 تبلغ الطاقة الإنتاجية الحالية حوالي 200 ألف لتر من منتجات الألبان مع خطة توسع لتصل إلى مليون لتر يوميًا. بدأت الشركة الانتاج التجاري في أكتوبر 2019م. حجم الاستثمار 100 مليون ريال عماني ،
At Mazoon Dairy, we are proud to deliver more than 220 products without any additives from hydrogen oils. Our products are made from fresh raw materials with the highest quality standards, guaranteeing our competitiveness on the regional and domestic markets. Our aim is for our products to become a valuable addition to our consumer’s diets with products rich in protein, calcium and vitamins for great taste and health benefits. |
The perfect drink for all your meal. Choose among our range of flavours to start your day with energy and positivity. All our juices are made from fresh and natural ingredients.
Variety of cheeses made of fresh components with creamy and rich flavors! Our cheeses are free from any vegetable oil and made directly from cow fresh milk for a rich state.
Fresh and light with irresistible taste, enjoy our labneh and fresh cream on its own or add it to your personal recipes to give them a unique taste.
AL Morooj Dairy company was founded in 2017. It produces consistent and superior quality Fresh pasteurized Camel milk throughout the year for the sustainability of food security in the country.
تأسست شركة المروج للألبان في عام 2017م وتختص في إنتاج حليب الإبل المبستر الطازج عالي الجودة بعد تجميعه من مربي الماشية في أرياف ظفار. اجمالي الاستثمار في المشروع 16.485 مليون ريال عماني.